Sarah Browne, UK Marketing Manager, tells us about what the Rainforest Alliance does both within the UK and internationally and how they bring together diverse stakeholders including businesses, consumers, governments, producers and more to make changes right from the very roots of the chain. This alliance means we can all help to combat the pressing social and environmental issues we are faced with today.
Certification is one of the most powerful and most tested solutions to support sustainable farming. Each Rainforest Alliance CertifiedTM crop is required to be grown in accordance with strict guidelines for better farming methods and working conditions, as well as better care for nature, workers and their families which really makes for an all-round holistic approach.
The Rainforest Alliance works with producers of all sizes and a core component of the programme is training in better farming methods, which gives producers the chance of a better future. Many agricultural commodities are facing major environmental challenges which means it can be difficult for farmers. This can make this very challenging for farmers to produce their crop and can affect livelihoods, yield and quality.
There are 1000s of products with the Rainforest Alliance CertifiedTM seal in the UK, many of which you're probably already consuming! So, keep your eye out for their green frog seal, purchase more products with this mark and you'll help to make a difference to supporting a healthier planet and an improved quality of life for farming communities.
Find out more on their website: https://www.rainforest-alliance.org/
Or on their Instagram, Twitter or Facebook;