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Question ${ currentCategory.questionStep + 1 } / ${ currentCategory.config.questions.length }
${ currentQuestion.question_title }
${ currentQuestion.question_desc }
${ runningTotal } tCO2e
Your carbon footprint is
${ runningTotal } tCO2e
Compared to the UK average of ${ ukAverage } tCO2e
Offset the average UK yearly footprint by purchasing a Tenzing subscription
See what your footprint could look like when Tenzing offset?
Your Footprint would be ${ diffWithSubscription } tCO2e with a tenzing subscription
Your Footprint
${ runningTotal } tCO2e
Travel: ${ roundTo(getCategory(2).totalValue/1000,2) }t
Consumables: ${ roundTo(getCategory(1).totalValue/1000,2) }t
Home: ${ roundTo(getCategory(0).totalValue/1000,2) }t
Diet: ${ roundTo(getCategory(3).totalValue/1000,2) }t
UK Average
${ ukAverage } tCO2e
A TENZING subscription offsets
${ ukAverage } tCO2e